Zeromagic integrates seamlessly with GraphQL, a powerful query language that provides a superior approach for more efficient data manipulation and developer-friendly experience.

GraphQL is a relatively newer architectural style that provides an alternative to REST. It empowers developers to request the exact data they need from your platform in a single, efficient call. Unlike REST APIs that provide multiple predefined endpoints for data retrieval, GraphQL allows you to define exactly the data you need through a query language. This query language resembles writing a clear and concise request, specifying the desired data fields from your API. This approach can improve performance and reduce over-fetching or under-fetching of data. The flexible and decoupled nature of GraphQL aligns well with scalable application development.


Why GraphQL?

  • Precise Data Fetching: With GraphQL, clients can request exactly the data they need, nothing more and nothing less. This reduces over-fetching and under-fetching of data, leading to more efficient API requests.

  • Flexible Data Structure: GraphQL provides a strong type system that allows clients to specify the shape and structure of the data they expect in the response.

  • Reduced Network Calls: By combining data requests into a single GraphQL query, you can significantly reduce the number of network calls required to fetch all the necessary information

  • Single Endpoint: Unlike REST APIs, which typically have multiple endpoints for different resources, GraphQL APIs have a single endpoint.

  • Real-time Updates: GraphQL supports real-time updates through subscriptions, allowing clients to receive data in real-time as it changes on the server