The Debug Logs feature is designed to streamline the debugging process for REST APIs. It provides real-time insights into API requests and responses, helping you quickly identify and resolve issues. Here’s how you can utilize this feature to optimize your API testing and debugging workflow:

Using the Debug Logs Feature

  1. Navigate to the RestAPI flow builder page. Access the Logs tab to start debugging your REST API.

  2. Click the Debug button. A form will open where you can to specify the details for your API execution.

  3. In the form, select the environment for the API execution, such as dev or prod.

  4. Provide Request Data:

    • Params: Enter the required parameters in JSON format.
    Sample Data
        "param1" : "value1",
        "param2" : "value2"
        ... // other params
    • Headers: Specify any necessary headers in JSON format. The API supports three types of authorization: ALLOW-ALL, APP-KEY, and INTERNAL-BEARER-AUTHENTICATION.

      a) For ALLOW-ALL, the authorization header is not required.

      b) For APP-KEY authentication, use APP-KEY as the header name.


    Ensure the headers are named exactly as specified above.

    Sample Data
        "APP-KEY" : "<your-app-key>", // APP-KEY.
        ... // other headers
    • Body Data: Provide the body data for the request in JSON format.
    Sample Data
        "id" : "1",
        "name" : "goblin"
        ... // other data
  5. Click on the Test API button to execute the request.

  6. After the request is executed, the logs are generated and can be viewed on the logs page. The logs contain crucial information for debugging:

    • Data Size: The size of the request and response data.
    • Time Execution: The time taken to execute the API request.
    • Request Data: The data sent with the request.
    • Response Data: The data received in response.


  • Enhanced Debugging: Gain comprehensive insights into the API requests and responses for effective problem-solving.
  • Environment Specification: Choose the appropriate environment (dev, prod, etc.) for your test.
  • Comprehensive Input Control: Specify exact parameters, headers, and body data in JSON format for precise testing.
  • Real-time Log Generation: Instantaneously view detailed logs as the API request and response unfold.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor data size and execution time to identify performance bottlenecks.