The CreateOne and CreateMany blocks in Zeromagic allow you to insert data into a Cosmos DB container. These blocks are useful for adding single or multiple records to your database.

1. Create One

Creates a single record in a Cosmos DB container.


Container Name: The name of the Cosmos DB container where the object will be inserted.

Records to Add: The object to be inserted into the container.

Auto Create: Create a collection if it doesnt exists in the container.

Returns: Return a val with the ID of newly created record.

2. Create Many

Creates multiple records in a Cosmos DB container in a single operation.

Container Name: The name of the Cosmos DB container where the objects will be inserted.

Records to Add: An array of objects to be inserted into the container.

Auto Create: Create a collection if it doesnt exists in the container.

Returns: Return a val with the IDs of newly created records.

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