The Zeromagic Auth API Reference allows to create and manage users using REST API. These apis are great place to start if you want to build authentication system for your application. You can start consuming to the pre-built endpoints from your client application. We support both Basic and Social authentication methods.

Get Started with Base URL

The authentication has separate url which can be found in the Environments section in the dashboard. The base url can be found in the name of Auth URL under Environments. To make an api call to the below authentication endpoint, the URI is in the format or


For example, if

is your authentication base url and you have to make a request to /email-password-signup endpoint, then your uri will be

Environments are required for making an api call. When you make an api call to the url mentioned in the environments, the database operations is performed over the Database binded to the Environment.

1. Basic Authentication - Available APIs

Email with password API

API        Path            
Sign-up    /email-password-signup
Login    /email-password-login
Reset  /email-password-reset

Mobile number with otp API

API        Path            
Sign-up    /mobile-otp-signup
Login    /mobile-otp-login
Verify OTP  /mobile-otp-verify

Username with password API

API        Path            
Sign-up    /username-password-signup
Login    /username-password-login

Email with otp API

API        Path            
Sign-up    /email-otp-signup
Login    /email-otp-login
Verify OTP  /email-otp-verify

2. Social Authentication - Available APIs

The endpoint /oauth is common for all social authentication methods

API        Path            
OAuth    /oauth

Support Social Providers

To know about the supported social providers, visit here - Supported Social Providers