This blog post will guide you through the world of if-else conditions in workflows, making your processes smarter and more efficient.

The if-else condition is a basic programming construct used to execute different actions based on whether a condition is true or false.If-else conditions work similarly in workflow automation.If-else conditions can be used to direct the flow of tasks, handle exceptions, and ensure that the workflow adapts to varying inputs and scenarios.


How IfElse Works:

  1. Set a Condition: Define a condition that needs to be met, like Order amount is greater than $100 or Customer location is in Europe.

  2. Evaluate the Condition: The workflow checks if the condition is true or false.

  3. Branch Out: Based on the outcome, the workflow follows a predetermined path:

  • If True: Execute the actions associated with the true branch.
  • Else: Execute the actions associated with the else branch.

Example Scenario : Check if Order has Discount

Let’s consider an e-commerce workflow where we need to check if an order qualifies for a discount. The criteria could be:

  • The total order value exceeds $100.
  • The customer is a premium member.
  • The order is placed during a special promotion period.
If (orderValue > 100 && (isPremiumMember || isPromotionPeriod) ) {
    // Logic to apply discount
    return {"response" : "Discount Applied"}
} else { 
    // Regular order processing
    return {"response" : "Discount Not Applied"}

Setting up workflow

  1. Create a Post method which will take body data as orderValue, isPremiumMember, and isPromotionPeriod.


  1. Using an if-else, evaluate the combined condition to check if the combined criteria are met.


  1. Add a JSON block with Action name as true_json in True branch with key=response and value=Discount Applied. Update the Response Block output to {{$true_json.val}} and status code to 200.
title="Sample True Response"
    "response": "Discount Applied"
  1. Add a JSON block with Action name as false_json in False branch with key=response and value=Discount Not Applied. Update the Response Block output to {{$false_json.val}}and status code to 200.
title="Sample False Response"
    "response": "Discount Not Applied"


  1. Click Deploy to update the flow and to utilise your API.


You can test the API either using postman or nagivating to Logs section