
In today’s dynamic development landscape, managing APIs effectively is crucial. Our platform provides dedicated environments for REST and GraphQL APIs, ensuring that your APIs are managed, deployed, and served in an optimized manner. Here’s a deep dive into how our platform handles these deployments:

A. Using Environment to Deploy REST API

  1. Create a environment: Create a new environment such as production,etc based on the functionality. This environment helps to managed the development of the API.


Visit the docs to learn more about creating environments

  1. Build Your REST API: Begin by designing and creating your REST API according to your application’s requirements.

  2. Push to Deployment: Once your API is ready and tested, a single click is all it takes to deploy it. Simply hit the Deploy button, and your API will be pushed to the designated environment. rest-api-deploy

  3. Accessing the API: After deployment, your REST API can be accessed via a specific URL. The format is {base_url}/{env_name}/{api_name}, ensuring a straightforward and consistent way to interact with your services.

You can find the URL of the particular API in the Details tab of the RestAPI Builder page.


B. Using Environment to Deploy GraphQL

  1. Create a environment: Create a new environment such as stag,etc based on the functionality. This environment helps to managed the development of the API.


  1. List Tables: Start by using our connectors to list the tables from your database. Our AI Schema Builder will assist you in tracking all fields across these tables.

Visit the docs to learn more about GraphQL AI Schema Builder

  1. Automatic Schema Generation: Once the tables are listed, our platform automatically generates the GraphQL schema. This schema defines the structure of your data and the queries and mutations you can perform.


  1. Automatic Deployment: The generated schema is automatically pushed to the GraphQL environment. This seamless process ensures that your GraphQL API is immediately ready for use without manual intervention.

  2. Requesting the API: You can now use the environment-specific URL to make requests to your GraphQL API, just as you would with a REST API.


Benefits of Using Our Platform

  • Isolation: Utilising Separate environments for REST and GraphQL APIs ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Simplicity: A single click for deployment reduces complexity and saves time.
  • Efficiency: Automatic schema generation and deployment for GraphQL APIs streamline the setup process.

Our platform is designed to simplify API management, allowing you to focus on building great applications without worrying about the intricacies of deployment. Whether you are working with REST or GraphQL, our dedicated environments and seamless deployment process ensure that your APIs are always ready to serve.