Zeromagic supports a range of database methods to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data. Available methods include readOne, readMany, createOne, createMany, updateOne, updateMany, deleteOne, and deleteMany, providing comprehensive support for data management tasks.

Read Operations

a) readOne: Retrieve a single record by its ID.

  "container": "student",
    "id": "1",

b) readMany: Retrieve multiple records based on specific criteria using filter property.

    "container": "student",
            "@sort": { "key": "name", "order": "asc" },
            "@fields" : ["id",{"name":"full_name"}, "status"],
            "@or" : [
                    "name" : {
                        "@contains": "John Doe"
                    "status"  : {
                        "@in": ["active", "pending"]

Create Operations

a) createOne: Create a new record with the provided data in the item property.

  "container": "student",
   "item": {
     "id": "1",
     "age" : 30,
     "name": "Max",
     "subject" : ["science" , "biology"] 

b) createMany: Create multiple records in a single operation using the items property.

  "container": "student",
   "items": [
     "id": "1",
     "age" : 30,
     "name": "Max",
     "subject" : ["science" , "biology"] 
     "id": "2",
     "age" : 20,
     "name": "John",
     "subject" : ["maths"] 

Update Operations

a) updateOne: Update an existing record based on its ID and new data provided in the update property within the query.

  "container": "student",
  "id": "1", 
   "update": {
       "age": 25

b) updateMany: Update multiple records based on filter property and new data provided in the update property within the query.

  "container": "student",    
  "filter": {
     "subject" :  {
       "@in": ["maths" , "biology"] ,
   "update": {
       "department": 'Science'

Delete Operations

a) deleteOne: Delete a single record by its ID.

  "container": "student",  
  "id": "1",

b) deleteMany: Delete multiple records based on specific criteria using filter property.

  "container": "student",   
    "age" : {
        "@gt": 20, 