The Loop Block offers a structured approach for iterating through a sequence of numbers while incorporating conditional branching for flexible control flow.

The Loop Block allows you to iterate through a sequence of values, defined by a start value, an end value, and a step value.

Start: Defines the initial value from which the loop iteration begins.

Stop: Specifies the final value that marks the end of the iteration sequence.

Step Value: Defines the increment (positive) or decrement (negative) used to move from one iteration to the next. Defaults to 1 (increment).


Continues Until True: This branch, represented by the Unit Block, allows you to define a flow of operations that executes repeatedly as long as a specified condition evaluates to True. The Unit Block provides a dedicated space for building this internal flow.

Ends If False: This branch executes once when the condition within the Unit Block evaluates to False for the first time. This signifies the end of the loop iteration.

Return Value

val - Represents the current loop variable i that holds the value during each iteration.

Deleting For Loop block will delete the entire flow connected to the block.