The DeleteOne and DeleteMany blocks in Zeromagic facilitate the removal of data from a Cosmos DB container. These blocks offer the capability to delete either a single record or multiple records from your database.

1. Delete One

Deletes a single record by its ID from a Cosmos DB container.


Container Name: The name of the Cosmos DB container from which the record will be deleted.

Record ID: The unique identifier of the record to be deleted.

Returns: Return a val with the ID of deleted record.

2. Delete Many

Deletes multiple records based on a filter query from a Cosmos DB container.


Container Name: The name of the Cosmos DB container from which the records will be deleted.

Filter Query: A filter query used to identify the records to be deleted. The filter query consists of a left value (field name) and a right value (data to be evaluated).

Returns: Return a val with the IDs of deleted records.

It utilises the same condition syntax as the If Conditions.