Read Records
The ReadOne and ReadMany blocks in Zeromagic enable you to retrieve data from a Cosmos DB container. These blocks provide flexibility in fetching either a single record or multiple records from your database.
1. Read One
Reads a single record by its ID from a Cosmos DB container.
Container Name: The name of the Cosmos DB container from which the record will be deleted.
Record ID: The unique identifier of the record to be deleted.
Auto Create: Create a collection if it doesnt exists in the container.
Returns: Return a val
object with the fetched data.
2. Read Many
Reads multiple records sorted by a specific key and order.
Container Name: The name of the Cosmos DB container from which the record will be deleted.
Sort Key: The key by which the retrieved records will be sorted.
Sort Order: The order in which the retrieved records will be sorted (ascending or descending).
Auto Create: Create a collection if it doesnt exists in the container.
Returns: Return a val
array containing the sorted data.
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